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Small update on my guide dog journey

Welcome to a small update on my new guide dog journey.

For those that don’t know I lost my LD Wren, my Wrennie the Pooh on October 18, 2023. I had to put her to sleep. The part I hate most of that is being in a totally different country when making that decision and never actually having the chance to tell her good-bye. I still have not let myself completely grieve the loss of my girl. There has always been some distraction to keep me from focusing on the pain and crying my heart out. Some of those distraction have been good ones, some not, but distractions none the less. So those times when it sneaks up on me again, I’m broken and lost for days and blaming myself for not helping her sooner, wondering if I could have done better. I know I couldn’t have done more, but when the sadness and missing her hits all over again, it’s one big cycle.

So the last time this happened was on Wednesday, June 5, 2024 when Leader came out to do a Juno walk. Now that alone was weird since I’m use to Juno walks being when you get to class, not before, ๐Ÿ™‚ Anyways, the harness was put in my hand and I broke again. It took me completely by surprise. I was expecting to be sad and hurting when I sent Wren’s harness back, not at the Juno walk. This time the pain has lasted a lot longer no matter what I try and think about or do not to think about it.

After I settled enough to move on, the Juno walk went perfect and now I’m waiting and crossing my fingers that a class day will come soon. Like next month would be great, lol.

To all you awesome guide dog handlers out there that know what I’m going through and have sent your support, I thank you.

Now, hopefully the next entry on this journey will be regarding when I’m off to class, ๐Ÿ™‚

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