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And the new guide dog journey begins

Well, the time has come once again, but a whole lot sooner than expected. My journey for a new furry four-legged pal.

For those that may not know or remember, I lost my awesome Wrennie the Pooh, my Leader dog Wren October 18, 2023, right before we were to start on a new journey together, a new job in the big scary city of Detroit.

All of a sudden my girl got super sick and no matter what I did or tried she got worse instead of better. I still wonder to this day, did I do the right thing in putting her to sleep? did I wait too long on finding out what was going on? What will Leader think of me now? Will they let me have another puppy?

All these things and so much more run through my head and now that I just finished my final step, the video, they’re going through my head again. Here come the tears for my girl that I loved so much. Our time was cut short and still had loads of adventures to go on.

My boys miss her just as much as I do and can’t wait for me to get another puppy. In fact, according to Kalvin, my 5 year old, I must have a yellow puppy! This is his demand, not mine! 🙂

For Wren’s puppy raisers and to Leader, thank you so much for the awesome girl that you trained and that I got to share some awesome times with.

Here’s to you Wrennie the Pooh, love always!

To the next furry friend that may be coming my way, prepared to be spoiled!

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