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My birthday month

It’s already April. Can someone tell me what happened to January through March? I think I blinked and it disappeared or something. Usually I don’t pay any attention to this month and try my hardest to forget it, but this year I’m not allowed.

First today April fools marks my 9 months with James We fit together so well that sometimes it feels like we’ve been together much much longer.

Next on the April calendar is my birthday, April 12th, *sighs* Now this is a day that I’ve avoided for a very long time. It use to be my wedding anniversary. James is determined to wipe the bad memories away that I associate with my birthday. He has this plan to torture me at Denny’s I just say he should buy me a diamond and a motor cycle and that would do it, lol.

April 13th is one that all that are in the Ottawa area should come and enjoy with me. Shout Sister Choir has it’s next performance. We will be performing at

Trinity United Church at 1099 Maitland. Show time is 7:30 pm. Tickets are 20 for adults and 10 for children.

If you were at our last performance then you know how awesome we are and how Noah stole the show. If you missed that one, then you better make your way to this one!

Finally in remembrance of my best friend/adopted sister. My love always goes out to you still and of course to the whole family. From one Cat to a KitKat, I love you!



  1. Cat Cat

    Excuse me! If you wish for me to celebrate this day I must have a motor cycle at the very least! Now hurry up and get to shopping.

  2. You already have a diamond. We just need to get the string/chain/whatever for it fixed. Also there will be no motorcycles. Absolutely none. Kay? Kay.

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