Oh my poor brain must really wish that it could find another safer place to float around in. I’m sure if it could yell at me I’d hear, “let me out of here already! I’ve had enough of being knocked around. It is not safe!”
1. When an idiot teenage boy pushed me off a slide
that was the beginning of the end for my poor head and scrambled brains.
2. I love goalball and so miss playing it, but once again I’m sure if my brain could yell at me it would say, “ow ow ow!!! Can you please find a safer sport?” Whenever I had to protect the goal against a penalty shot I’d not only stop the ball, but also slide smack into the very very hard goal post! *wham* One time I did it so hard that I seriously saw stars and heard multiple balls! Now that was creepy. Ha, all I did was rub my head and wonder how I’d manage to protect my side of the court when I heard more than one ball, smiles.
3. Everyone knows that shopping can definitely be dangerous at times, but usually the danger is from other crazy shoppers or maybe wet floors or something like that. Who would think that an attack would come from something you couldn’t see unless you seriously were looking? One day my friend Brodie and I were shopping and we sat down to check out the comfort of a couch.
*smack* goes my head against some extremely hard thing with an edge. It was hard enough that it actually knocked me off the couch. I’m shocked, Brodie’s freaking and neither of us knows what the hell happened for a while.
After I assured her that I was ok when I was sure I wasn’t going to die or faint or puke all over the floor Brodie inspected the couch to see what was there. In doing so she nearly knocked her own head off. There was a shelf right above the couch that was the exact same color of the wall. There was nothing sitting on the damn shelf to warn anyone that *hello* heads up, shelf here. Brodie only saw it at the last minute cause one part was slightly darker than the rest. She went from freaked to pissed off in the blink of an eye and I thought she’d rip the head off of any store person she could find…if they would have been around.
Ha, but me being me I just shook my head and told her that “time to go, my freaken head hurts!” Smiles, she knew better than try and talk me into going to the doctor. I wasn’t dying so . . .
4. Finally the last shock to my head happened last week on Thursday morning. Yet again I run into an idiot…or maybe I should say the idiot ran into me, but this time it was an adult! He was *so* involved in his phone conversation and in *such* a great hurry to get to where ever he was suppose to be that I guess it didn’t cross his mind to *watch* where he was going.
*** BAM ***
He runs smack into me from behind just as Luna and I clear the door and off I fly down the stairs! I have the quick reflex of letting Luna’s leash go so she doesn’t get hurt as well. Do you think he stopped to see if I was ok?
*no* of course not that would have made sense or made him even later I suppose! So, *yap yap yap* I hear as he walks away…maybe he mumbled sorry, but I haven’t a clue if that was really for me or whomever he was talking to on the phone.
Hello another head injury how are you?
This is something I didn’t mention to people after it happened because I was *terrified* and in a state of pure panic. On my way down I unfortunately met the edge of the nice hard hand rail when trying to prevent myself from falling all the way down the stairs and it caught me in just the wrong spot of my head…again! I mean I know I have a hard head, but sheesh must it keep being put to the test?
For the past week I’ve been trying to keep calm and hopes that the blackness that has appeared will fade and things will go back to my *normal* The only thing that’s happening is my headaches have gotten worse and my inner suffering is increasing.
Has my poor brain finally had enough of being knocked around? Did this last round with some immovable object finally stolen what I’ve tried so hard to hold on too?
*man* I hope not!
Maybe I should start going around in a helmet?