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Hello all my great doggy friends and your humans. I hope you are all having a wonderful time as I am. Happy doggy New Year! Did you get anything special from your humans?
You’re probably wondering why you haven’t heard from me. Well, here’s why. That human of mine has a very crazy life she’s brought me into. We’ve been home for a little while now and she claims it’s a little calm, but I don’t believe her. If this is calm, I’d hate to see it otherwise.
So, we got here to my new house with all of these humans, big and little and I think even my human was ready to pull her hair out before too long! Ha, imagine that.
The first people I met was these 2 big humans and a little girl human. She wanted to pet me, but then would run away when I got close. Why would she do that? I wouldn’t hurt her. Ah well!
I then met my humans 2 little boys. The little boy human is just as hyper as I am. I think I will have lots and lots of fun with him whenever my human lets me play with them without this leash attached to me, hmph!
But whew, that baby human keeps trying to beat me over the head with a toy and my human has to keep quickly pulling me away or grabbing the toy. What, doesn’t she think I could get the toy fast enough or something? I think that would be a fun game to play with the baby human, don’t you?
Check it out, here’s me meeting the little humans in the house!
My human calls me demanding! Oh no no no, I am not the demanding one around here. That would definitely without a doubt be the baby human! Now how is it whenever he gets all cranky and demanding that he gets what he wants and my human tells me, no no no, it is most certainly not time to get up?
Well, ok, my human does try that with the baby human, but he doesn’t seem to like that any more than I do. Maybe she should stop trying that method?
I do get to go to work with my human and there’s lots of interesting things there, but my human wants to tell you how I’m doing there, so I guess I’ll let her this time. I can’t have all the fun now can I?
hmph, of course I can!
I got to play in a little snow, but it has already disappeared. What’s up with that! Why would it do such a thing? I mean, I didn’t get a chance to really roll around in it or anything. All I had a chance to do is snort it up my nose! How rude!
Ah well, time to go outside. Write again!
Smiles, with as crazy as things were when we first got home she has settled in very well.
Wren looks very happy! Glad she’s fitting in!