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and the winner is

*cheers loudly and bounces up and down*

I got the call I’ve been holding my breath for all day. With loads of jangled nerves I answered a call from Stephanie from Leader Dog at 2:45 this afternoon.

Congratulations to me, I will be heading to Leader for my next dog! I will be going either August 23rd which is in the middle of a class already started or the start of the following class, September 14th. *cheers*

Either way I’m super excited! It’s time to get the house ready for a dog once more.

If there are any guide dog handlers that have gone to get their dog in the middle of a class can you let me know what that is like. I’ve never done that before.

If I’m going in August I’ll be getting there on a Saturday. Do I get my dog like the next day I’m there and then more one on one or what?

So, the guide dog application process has come to a happy end. It’s now time for the guide dog training journey. Stay tuned for those updates in the future!

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