Everyone that knows me well enough knows that I absolutely hate going to doctors and especially hospitals. I mean, if I’m going to be miserable and what not, then I can be that curled up in bed, right? All they will tell you is, get rest, drink fluids, take whatever medicine that you can end up getting over the counter or even worse, we can’t find anything wrong! So, why waist all that time when you can skip that step and start doing that from the comfort of your bed?
Well, those were my thoughts until early Monday morning of July 10, 2018.
It all started on Sunday, July 9, 2018 at the bright hour of 6AM when my adorable little peanut, baby J decided it was time to wake up. We had our usual morning cuddles while I grumbled at him about waking up so early on the weekend and him just smiling away while poking me in the nose, ha!
At that point when peanut decided it was time to then start beating up mommy for his morning routine I noticed that I just was not feeling well. Definitely an unset tummy. No biggy, it wil go away in time. I’ll just drink more fluids and eat light. That usually works.
Hi toilet, how are you?
Starting around 1PM things changed. I started getting sick every hour no matter what. I eat, it went to my friend Mr. Toilet. I drank, same results. Ugh, no fun especially while trying to watch a 22 month old.
At 1AM on Monday is when I started getting concerned. I was visiting my friend the toilet every 20 minutes. It got so bad that I woke up the little peanut who came and stood in the bathroom with me a couple of times. Poor baby!
So, it was time that I broke down and take my ass to the hospital. I decided if I could hold off I’d go right after we got peanut off to Kindercare for the day.
Hospital visitng brings shocking news!
So I finally get to the ER around 11AM on Monday, July 10, 2018. I won’t explain here why it took that long to get to the ER because it would make the entry too long and that’s a whole other rant, smiles.
So, once I’m finally at the ER I find out that I am indeed seriously dehydrated and immediately given fluids and medicine to help settle my stomach. Blood work is done to find out why all of a suddent I got sick and what’s going on to make my poor tummy so agitated.
Around mid afternoon here’s what happened!
Docotr, hey there May, we found out what’s making you so ill all of a sudden
Me, *thoughts* oh dear, something not good.
Me, Ok, what’s wrong?
Doctor, You’re pregnant!
Me, drops phone on the bed and stares at the doctor
Me, I’m what? No way, are you sure? Huh? I’m what?
Doctor, Yes, you’re pregnant! We did the bloodwork to check for everything and the pregnancy test came back that you’re indeed pregnant.
Me, no way…I’m, huh! Wow!
Good thing I was laying down when I got that news!
Go to the hospital due to dehydration and come out pregnant! Welcome to pregnancy life mommy part 2!
Psst, hey baby in there, we’re glad you’re there, but could you have let us know without trying to kill me?
Wow! That would have been…quite the surprise. Congratulations and I’m glad everything is ok.