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The hardest day of my life

Dear Noah.

Today was the hardest day in my life pal. Telling you good-bye and knowing that it could be for good. Taking you to the vet and hearing that it is a strong chance you have cancer ripped my heart in so many pieces. Knowing that there’s nothing I could have done to prevent it so the vet says, still makes me feel like shit. Even though i was upset and crying you still were more concerned about me you silly furry mutt and kept giving me your paw and giving me kisses.

It’s very strange this time being home and you’re not here with me. I can’t tell myself this time it’s because you’re off with your puppy raisers and will be home soon. I can hope that the vet was wrong and the school will find something that’s not life threatening and that you’ll be that tough dog you are and get back home soon and wondering what all the fuss was about.

I had to let your other favourite home know what was happening and that was a call I never dreamed I’d have to make. They are sending you well wishes too Noah and send you all their love.

I tripped over one of your rope toys and started crying all over again. Oh my Noah I’m so so sorry I failed you and how I wish you were home. Please know I love you pal and can you make a surprised recovery? Shout Sister Choir all send their love too and the healing song to both of us.

You’re already greatly missed!!


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