OMG, it’s nearly over, but still not close enough!
First let me appologize to everyone for not getting as many blog entries for this pregnancy as I did with Baby J. This pregnancy sadly has not been a walk in the park. For those of you that follow me on facebook or twitter know what I’m speaking of. For the rest, let me update you.
We are sitting at week 38 and the doctors here in Ohio absolutely will not take Snowman out any earlier than week 39. Now, we do have a datee of when he will be born if him and I can’t figure out how to get him out sooner, but I’ll announce that in a bit.
This pregnancy has been full of stress regarding friends that turned out not to be friends and working on trying to become friends again, landlords that decided all of a sudden that we were taking advantage of them and making little comments like, “I’d hate to evict a pregnant person, but . . .”, nearly dying because oof not being able to eat, drink or swallow thanks to my seriously scarred and narrow esophagus that can’t be fixed until I’m no longer pregnant and doctors that think they know best and completely fuck up a situation when I go to them for help due to pregnancy depression. Lets just say I will be very very glad when Snowman is born. So if anyone has any ideas that is not castor oil related that will get my little trouble maker out please please let me know! I’ve already lost 9 pounds in a month thanks to this annoying esphogagus issue and even though the ultrasound doc says Snowman is looking ok, he has not gained any weight since the end of October.
Our latest visit to the hospital was also ignored after 8 hours of pain and contractions that were a minute or less due to the we were not dialated yet. WTF, who cares I’m not dialated! He is suppose to be a c-section, who cares of dialation starts? Are you guys looking for me to die or something and cause more stress for the family? They were more concerned about the fact my iron is low and may not make it through a c-section than the fact the reasion I’m weak and running low on everything is the fact I ca’t freaken eat or drink! The medical issue I have lovely doctors is life threatning…it, is, not, discomfort, like you keep trying to pass off!
It also doesn’t make me feel great hearing from people that I should stop stressing out and let the doctors do their job because they know best. Especially when it comes from those that aren’t paying attention what what is being said or read or hell has no kids at all and can’t even image the pain and stress that I’m going through. Encouraging words are great, but things like that, are, not!
So, despite the fact that Snowman and I are really trying to get dotors here in Ohio to see that he needs to be born like now….the race is on. Suggestions to get baby to enter the world before December 26, 2018 at 12PM?