Whew, guess it’s time for at lease one update. I am so behind and so much to share!
James and I have been in our new apartment for a week now. Let me tell you it was the fastest move I’ve ever done! A few of my Shout Sisters and their friends and family members came to help and within 5 minutes of them showing up at the old house half the stuff was already loaded on the truck. The whole move was started at 10AM and done around 12:30PM.
I greatly appreciated the help and generosity that was given that day. It was more than I asked for or expected, smiles.
It will take some getting use to living in apartments again, but the building is nice and everything we need is easy to locate without running into too many walls, lol. The best part is once again we’re attached to the building with the pool. So at least for now no more having to go *outside* to get to the pool! Now come the summer the indoor pool closes and we have to switch to the *outdoor* pool. That pool isn’t close by so that will be fun to figure out. Now if they will just get a hot tub!
One thing that I was definitely concerned about is the fact that the laundry machines use *smart cards* and my previous experience with them sucked! However, the staff here are helpful in loading the card for us and most importantly we found out that the machines beep the moment you put the card in the machine. So no guessing *when the heck do I press the buttons* We also learned that if the machine doesn’t beep, then most likely that machine doesn’t work and won’t eat your money!
Now, Luna and the apartment. Whew, definitely some things to work on.
1. dogs, dogs, dogs!!! Unlike where we use to live and sometimes run into dogs, Luna will pretty much always run into a dog here. This *definitely* a work distraction. If you remember Luna and the squirrels she’s like that now with the dogs! So trying to figure how to best get her use to dogs just popping up in places.
2. Brrrrrrrr, luna *loves* to make me freeze when it’s time to go outside. Instead of doing her business, she wants to jump around in the snow and snort it up her nose. Boy how this girl enjoys playing in the snow. But, if we have to sadly work outside and wait for buses in the cold she *hates* that! I don’t blame her. I’m ready for this darn winter to leave already. Now the problem I have is she’s so interested in playing in the snow she won’t go do her business completely. She’ll give me a number 1, but not a number 2. Then once we get back upstairs about 10 minutes later she’s *loudly* stating that she needs to go out, groans!
3. Salt, salt, salt! Ugh, all this salt is even annoying to me. luna will stop moving if it’s too much salt so then I have to coax her to get moving. The sooner I can get her inside, the sooner I can clean off that annoying salt.
Once again my Luna moon shows me how quick she learns. We only had a chance to learn how to find the way from the bus stop to the apartment and vice versa once. Let me tell you even just once that girl of mine had no trouble bringing me home the first night we worked it from school. I’m so proud of her!
Once the weather warms up we’ll get lots of walking in which Luna will love since she loves to work. she can’t stand being inside for too long. So someone *please* send us that warm weather!
Until next time I’m off to freeze!