This is a short entry with an update on where things stand for school.
Well, I am getting closer to the start of the Early Childhood Education program at Algonquin College
On Tuesday I had to take another round of shots that I didn’t actually have *grumbles* I have one more to get next month and then I’m all cleared for field placement shot wise. The joys of wanting to work with kids. You must get poked and abused with needles, *smiles* I also need first aide/cpr but I won’t be taking that until either January or in Feburary.
Friday morning I my financial stuff was all cleared up for the winter term. Now the only thing to wait for is my course schedule. *grumbles*
Is it December 6th yet? That date is more important. It will determine if I have to cry because I end up with a 8 AM class, lol, or even worse have to give up choir on Thursday nights.