Hi hi hi! Yes’s I knows it’s earlys in the morning and all good babies like me should be awakes and telling their mommys happy mommys day!
So’s with thats being says, appy mommy day to the bestest mommy in the worlds! I loooooooooves you’s lots and lots!
I’s almost 9 months old and I drives my mommy nuts, but she’s loves me anyways! I jumps on her and pulls her hairs and squishes her nose and she laughs and kisses me and blows bubbles on my tummy. Bestest mommy evers!
I growls and babbles at hers from the moments I wakes up and she always listens to me’s. Don’t I’s sound cute?
I knows says mommy yets, but I’s still loves you!
Happy mommys day and now lets play!