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The elusive Snowman strikes again

You know, I’m really starting to get the feeling that little Snowman here is going to be the quiet and sneaky type, unlike his brother that’s the energizer bunny sneaky type, lol.

Today was our doctors appointment where once again Mr. Kal decided to play peek-a-boo with us again. My doctor spent 10 minutes chasing him around trying to get his heart rate. She didn’t believe me when I said he made us work for it for the ultrasound, hahahah!

Linda, pushes a little on my stomach to make him go in the direction she wanted.
Snowman, ha, I don’t think so doc…stays put
Linda, moves the heart monitor thing where Kal is
Snowman, nope, I don’t think so.moves away!
Linda, wow, he is quite the stubborn one isn’t he? I didn’t believe you about him being a challenge!
Me, haha, told you!

Finally, she caught him I guess while he was taking a breather from swimming around in there and we got his heart rate at 147 for today.

Sadly, still no movements that he lets me feel on a regular basis. If he discovers that I can feel him sticking a body part out he quickly moves away and hides again. Darn him!!!

I will be switching doctors on the 22nd to the one that will actually be doing the c-section.

Linda, I’m going to now switch you over to doctor Clark, she’s very nice.
Me, Ah, so you won’t be my delivery doctor?
Linda, Nope, I don’t do c-sections. They won’t let me have a knife for some reason!
Me, Oh my, ok, her it is then.

So, maybe on the 22nd we can set the eviction date and by then Mr. Snowman will start being more ***cooperative*** I can hope, right?

Oh yes, and I am currently sitting at 159 pounds. Next visit is another ultrasound which checks Snowman’s anademy to make sure everything is growing as it should.

Until next time!

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